The holidays are an exciting time of year for most households. This winter, the City of Durham encourages residents to “go green” this holiday season by purchasing gifts and implementing a few simple practices at home to conserve Durham’s water supplies and preserve your budget.
Here are some ideas to save money and water while enjoying this time of year:
1. High-efficiency toilets (HET) are water savers that have an impact—easily saving up to 1,200 gallons a month. The City of Durham is currently offering a $100 toilet rebate/credit for HET purchases/installations made on or after January 1, 2008. Visit to learn how to qualify.
2. Consider purchasing a front-load ENERGY STAR® washer for your family or a loved one. Front-loading washers may cost a bit more than standard models, but they are more water- and energy-efficient. ENERGY STAR qualified washers can help lower your utility bills, save energy, and save water by as much as 30 percent. Plus, the increased capacity means fewer loads of laundry.
3. Take advantage of special discounts and rebates on water-efficient dishwashers offered during the holiday season. A new water-efficient model can save 1,200 gallons of water a year and help reduce utility costs. And, remember to use your clothes washer and dishwasher only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
4. Water-efficient showerheads provide amazing savings and make great stocking stuffers. Replace your older showerhead with a high quality 1.5 gpm model, available at the Cashiering Counter at City Hall for only $3.00. A family of four can save up to 2,000 gallons of water monthly.
5. While preparing holiday meals, defrost frozen items in the refrigerator, not under running water.
6. When washing dishes, keep dishwashing liquid use to a minimum to reduce the amount of rinse water needed. If using a dishwasher, scrape dishes before placing them in the dishwasher instead of pre-rinsing them.
7. Do not run the kitchen faucet continuously while washing dishes. Use one sink for washing and another, or a separate tub, for rinsing.
8. Compost appropriate food scraps from your holiday meals instead of running garbage disposals.
9. Winterize outdoor spigots when temperatures dip below freezing to prevent pipes from leaking or bursting. Also, keep an eye on leaks and make needed repairs indoors and outdoors.
10. Adjust your lawn watering schedule to the winter season. Water your lawn once every five days or only when needed. Bermuda grasses are dormant (brown) in the winter and only require water once every three to four weeks or less if it rains.
So give back to the environment and reward yourself with money savings during this holiday season and all year long.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
10 Smart, Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Water Bill
With today’s high prices, every penny saved counts. And saving money is becoming a higher priority in households across the nation. Since July 2008, the City of Durham has been implementing a new tiered water rate system that encourages residents to efficiently use water. With the new rate structure, the less water you use, the lower your rate, the more money you save for everyday needs, and the better we protect Durham.
In 2007, the state of North Carolina experienced severe drought conditions, which affected households and businesses throughout the area. City officials enacted water restrictions to help conserve and preserve Durham’s water supplies. Residents could not fill swimming pools, wash cars, or water their lawns until early spring. Since April, outdoor watering has been allowed two times a week. Recently, customers have been allowed to obtain 30-day licenses for landscaping projects delayed due to the drought.
With the new tiered water rate system, using water wisely is one of the easiest ways to save money. To save thousands of gallons of water, follow these TOP 10 TIPS:
1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That’s 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
2. Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes and save 1,000 gallons each month. By turning off the water while you shampoo your hair, you can save an additional 50 gallons per week.
3. Install a water-efficient showerhead. They’re inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week. Visit Durham’s City Hall to purchase a 1.5 gallon per minute water efficient showerhead.
4. Turn off the water while you shave, lather your hands or wash your face and see water savings up to 100 gallons a week.
5. Check your toilet for leaks by putting food coloring or leftover coffee in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. Other signs that a toilet is leaking include the sound of running water and the toilet turning on and off without being flushed. You may need to replace the flapper, the handle or adjust the water level in the tank. Fixing your toilet can save more than 600 gallons a month.
6. Upgrade to a High Efficiency Toilet (HET) and receive up to $100 credit rebate on your water bill. The City of Durham is currently running a rebate promotion for HET purchases/installations made on or after January 1, 2008. Visit to learn how you can qualify.
7. Use your clothes washer or dishwasher only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
8. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It’s simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week. Remind your children to turn off faucets tightly to prevent dripping.
9. If you are planting this season, choose drought-tolerant, low water use plant varieties for year-round landscape color. You can save up to 550 gallons each year. Two-thirds of household water use takes place outdoors, making the yard the best place to impact water consumption.
10. Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while washing your car, or use a bucket of soapy water to clean and clear water to rinse. Washing your car only when needed will save you hundreds of gallons each month.
It’s time to get serious about saving water—and we can all do our part. For 111 simple, money-saving tips, including a new online bill calculator, visit today!
--Courtesy of City of Durham Department of Water Management
You can also visit us on YouTube:
In 2007, the state of North Carolina experienced severe drought conditions, which affected households and businesses throughout the area. City officials enacted water restrictions to help conserve and preserve Durham’s water supplies. Residents could not fill swimming pools, wash cars, or water their lawns until early spring. Since April, outdoor watering has been allowed two times a week. Recently, customers have been allowed to obtain 30-day licenses for landscaping projects delayed due to the drought.
With the new tiered water rate system, using water wisely is one of the easiest ways to save money. To save thousands of gallons of water, follow these TOP 10 TIPS:
1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That’s 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
2. Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes and save 1,000 gallons each month. By turning off the water while you shampoo your hair, you can save an additional 50 gallons per week.
3. Install a water-efficient showerhead. They’re inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week. Visit Durham’s City Hall to purchase a 1.5 gallon per minute water efficient showerhead.
4. Turn off the water while you shave, lather your hands or wash your face and see water savings up to 100 gallons a week.
5. Check your toilet for leaks by putting food coloring or leftover coffee in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. Other signs that a toilet is leaking include the sound of running water and the toilet turning on and off without being flushed. You may need to replace the flapper, the handle or adjust the water level in the tank. Fixing your toilet can save more than 600 gallons a month.
6. Upgrade to a High Efficiency Toilet (HET) and receive up to $100 credit rebate on your water bill. The City of Durham is currently running a rebate promotion for HET purchases/installations made on or after January 1, 2008. Visit to learn how you can qualify.
7. Use your clothes washer or dishwasher only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
8. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It’s simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week. Remind your children to turn off faucets tightly to prevent dripping.
9. If you are planting this season, choose drought-tolerant, low water use plant varieties for year-round landscape color. You can save up to 550 gallons each year. Two-thirds of household water use takes place outdoors, making the yard the best place to impact water consumption.
10. Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while washing your car, or use a bucket of soapy water to clean and clear water to rinse. Washing your car only when needed will save you hundreds of gallons each month.
It’s time to get serious about saving water—and we can all do our part. For 111 simple, money-saving tips, including a new online bill calculator, visit today!
--Courtesy of City of Durham Department of Water Management
You can also visit us on YouTube:
On-Air Interview with Vicki Westbrook, Program Spokesperson
*Ms. Westbrook is the Deputy Director of the City of Durham Dept. of Water Management
Q: What are you trying to accomplish in the Durham Water Conservation Program?
A: With a new tiered water rate system in place, the City of Durham is working to educate all water customers and residents on the importance of water conservation, to help reduce water demand, preserve Durham’s water supplies, and instill a long-term water conservation ethic among Durham residents. To get the lowest water rate, we are encouraging our customers to follow as many of the 111 water- and money-saving tips to help use water wisely.
Q: Why is there a need for an expanded Water Conservation Program?
A: In recent years, the Southeast region, the state of North Carolina and the triangle area specifically have experienced severe drought events which have made citizens more aware of the need to protect and conserve our precious water resources. Residents could not fill swimming pools, wash cars, or water their lawns until early Spring. Some business operations were also disrupted due to the drought. One tactic that was taken by the Durham City Council included the adoption of a new tiered rate structure and other increases for water and sewer services. The new rates were effective on July 1st; and were reflected in August bills for monthly customers and in September bills for bi-monthly customers. We all need to do our part in conserving water. Every drop of water is essential to our day-to-day life and Durham’s economic and environmental sustainability. It’s time to get serious about saving water- and we can all make a difference.
Q: What changes should customers expect in their water bill? What are the benefits of the new tiered water rate system?
A: Tiered water rates are designed to encourage efficient water use. Under a tiered water rate structure, the price of water increases with each tier depending on usage. Simply put: The less water you use, the lower your bill, the more money you save, the better we preserve Durham. It’s a win-win solution-- you save money for the more important things in your life, while helping sustain Durham’s water resources, the local economy, the community, and our way of life.
The new plan includes five tiers for single family residential customers, based on water usage. The tiers are designed to reward customers who use less water by charging the lower rates. Conversely, the more water a customer uses, the higher the tier and charges for water use
All non-residential customers are set at the Tier 3 rate, and all irrigation accounts are set at the Tier 5 rate. Water and sewer service charge increases are also included in the new structure.
The new tiered rate system also benefits the City of Durham. The new rates will help pay for large capital projects including a new automated meter reading system, a new elevated water storage tank, additional water supply options (Teer Quarry and Jordan Lake), interconnections with other utilities and plant and system rehabilitation projects.
Q: What can Durham residents specifically do to conserve water and save money on their water bill?
A: With today’s high prices, every penny that we can save counts. And saving money is becoming a higher priority in households across the area. Durham’s tiered water rates mean the less water you use, the lower your rate, and the more money you save for the things you need. We encourage residents to follow as many of the 111 easy ways to save water to help reduce their water bill:
• Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
• Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes and save 1,000 gallons each month. By turning off the water while you shampoo your hair, you can save an additional 50 gallons per week.
• Install a water-efficient showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week. Visit Durham’s City Hall to purchase a 1.5 gallon per minute water-efficient showerhead.
• Turn off the water while you shave, lather your hands, or wash your face and see water savings add up to 100 gallons a week.
• Check your toilet for leaks by putting food coloring or leftover coffee in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. Other signs that a toilet is leaking include the sound of running water and the toilet turning on and off without being flushed. You may need to replace the flapper, the handle or adjust the water level in the tank. Fixing your toilet can save more than 600 gallons a month.
• Use your clothes washer or dishwasher only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
• Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It's simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week. Remind your children to turn off faucets tightly to prevent dripping.
• If you are planting this season, choose drought-tolerant, low water use plant varieties for year-round landscape color. You can save up to 550 gallons each year.
• Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while you wash your car, or use a bucket of soapy water to clean and clear water to rinse. Washing your car only when needed will save you hundreds of gallons each month.
You can find more tips, including a new online bill calculator, on
• Did you know that October is National Toilet Repair Month?
• Upgrade to a High Efficiency Toilet (HET) and receive up to $100 credit rebate on your water bill. The City of Durham Department of Water Management is offering rebates valued at $100 when qualified water customers replace their high water using toilets with EPA Water Sense rated High Efficiency Toilet (HET) models. Any toilet purchased MUST be a High Efficiency Toilet (HETs use an average of 1.28 gallons per flush) and MUST be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense list. Any toilet which meets the criteria and is purchased after January 1, 2008, will be eligible for the rebate. Rebates will be applied as credits to customers' water bills. To apply for the rebate/credit, you'll just need to submit all of the following:
the original dated sales receipt for your toilet
a copy of your most recent water bill
a completed Rebate Application Form
For information about the toilet rebate program, you can call 1-866-522-3806 or e-mail
• Fall is the optimal time to prepare your yard for landscape color with drought-tolerant, low water-use plants. Two-thirds of household water-use takes place outdoors, making the yard the best place to impact water consumption.
• Plant wildflowers that will reseed themselves. They'll provide seasonal color and year-round charm to your landscape. Some suggested varieties include penstemons, desert marigold, golden dyssodia, tufted evening primrose, poppies, and lupines.
• On-going Water Restrictions: Durham continues to limit outdoor watering to two time per week, Wednesdays and Saturdays between 5:00 am and 8:00 am OR 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Customers may, however, be allowed to obtain 30-day licenses for landscaping projects delayed due to the drought.
Q: How can Durham residents get more information?
• For the complete list of 111 water-saving tips or to use our new online bill calculator, visit
• Call Durham One Call at 919-560-1200
• Check out Durham’s Cable Station on Cable Channel 8
• Check out your water bill stuffers and City of Durham newsletter
• Also check out educational articles on print and online
• Check out community special events in the area
Q: What are you trying to accomplish in the Durham Water Conservation Program?
A: With a new tiered water rate system in place, the City of Durham is working to educate all water customers and residents on the importance of water conservation, to help reduce water demand, preserve Durham’s water supplies, and instill a long-term water conservation ethic among Durham residents. To get the lowest water rate, we are encouraging our customers to follow as many of the 111 water- and money-saving tips to help use water wisely.
Q: Why is there a need for an expanded Water Conservation Program?
A: In recent years, the Southeast region, the state of North Carolina and the triangle area specifically have experienced severe drought events which have made citizens more aware of the need to protect and conserve our precious water resources. Residents could not fill swimming pools, wash cars, or water their lawns until early Spring. Some business operations were also disrupted due to the drought. One tactic that was taken by the Durham City Council included the adoption of a new tiered rate structure and other increases for water and sewer services. The new rates were effective on July 1st; and were reflected in August bills for monthly customers and in September bills for bi-monthly customers. We all need to do our part in conserving water. Every drop of water is essential to our day-to-day life and Durham’s economic and environmental sustainability. It’s time to get serious about saving water- and we can all make a difference.
Q: What changes should customers expect in their water bill? What are the benefits of the new tiered water rate system?
A: Tiered water rates are designed to encourage efficient water use. Under a tiered water rate structure, the price of water increases with each tier depending on usage. Simply put: The less water you use, the lower your bill, the more money you save, the better we preserve Durham. It’s a win-win solution-- you save money for the more important things in your life, while helping sustain Durham’s water resources, the local economy, the community, and our way of life.
The new plan includes five tiers for single family residential customers, based on water usage. The tiers are designed to reward customers who use less water by charging the lower rates. Conversely, the more water a customer uses, the higher the tier and charges for water use
All non-residential customers are set at the Tier 3 rate, and all irrigation accounts are set at the Tier 5 rate. Water and sewer service charge increases are also included in the new structure.
The new tiered rate system also benefits the City of Durham. The new rates will help pay for large capital projects including a new automated meter reading system, a new elevated water storage tank, additional water supply options (Teer Quarry and Jordan Lake), interconnections with other utilities and plant and system rehabilitation projects.
Q: What can Durham residents specifically do to conserve water and save money on their water bill?
A: With today’s high prices, every penny that we can save counts. And saving money is becoming a higher priority in households across the area. Durham’s tiered water rates mean the less water you use, the lower your rate, and the more money you save for the things you need. We encourage residents to follow as many of the 111 easy ways to save water to help reduce their water bill:
• Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
• Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes and save 1,000 gallons each month. By turning off the water while you shampoo your hair, you can save an additional 50 gallons per week.
• Install a water-efficient showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week. Visit Durham’s City Hall to purchase a 1.5 gallon per minute water-efficient showerhead.
• Turn off the water while you shave, lather your hands, or wash your face and see water savings add up to 100 gallons a week.
• Check your toilet for leaks by putting food coloring or leftover coffee in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. Other signs that a toilet is leaking include the sound of running water and the toilet turning on and off without being flushed. You may need to replace the flapper, the handle or adjust the water level in the tank. Fixing your toilet can save more than 600 gallons a month.
• Use your clothes washer or dishwasher only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
• Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It's simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week. Remind your children to turn off faucets tightly to prevent dripping.
• If you are planting this season, choose drought-tolerant, low water use plant varieties for year-round landscape color. You can save up to 550 gallons each year.
• Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while you wash your car, or use a bucket of soapy water to clean and clear water to rinse. Washing your car only when needed will save you hundreds of gallons each month.
You can find more tips, including a new online bill calculator, on
• Did you know that October is National Toilet Repair Month?
• Upgrade to a High Efficiency Toilet (HET) and receive up to $100 credit rebate on your water bill. The City of Durham Department of Water Management is offering rebates valued at $100 when qualified water customers replace their high water using toilets with EPA Water Sense rated High Efficiency Toilet (HET) models. Any toilet purchased MUST be a High Efficiency Toilet (HETs use an average of 1.28 gallons per flush) and MUST be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense list. Any toilet which meets the criteria and is purchased after January 1, 2008, will be eligible for the rebate. Rebates will be applied as credits to customers' water bills. To apply for the rebate/credit, you'll just need to submit all of the following:
the original dated sales receipt for your toilet
a copy of your most recent water bill
a completed Rebate Application Form
For information about the toilet rebate program, you can call 1-866-522-3806 or e-mail
• Fall is the optimal time to prepare your yard for landscape color with drought-tolerant, low water-use plants. Two-thirds of household water-use takes place outdoors, making the yard the best place to impact water consumption.
• Plant wildflowers that will reseed themselves. They'll provide seasonal color and year-round charm to your landscape. Some suggested varieties include penstemons, desert marigold, golden dyssodia, tufted evening primrose, poppies, and lupines.
• On-going Water Restrictions: Durham continues to limit outdoor watering to two time per week, Wednesdays and Saturdays between 5:00 am and 8:00 am OR 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Customers may, however, be allowed to obtain 30-day licenses for landscaping projects delayed due to the drought.
Q: How can Durham residents get more information?
• For the complete list of 111 water-saving tips or to use our new online bill calculator, visit
• Call Durham One Call at 919-560-1200
• Check out Durham’s Cable Station on Cable Channel 8
• Check out your water bill stuffers and City of Durham newsletter
• Also check out educational articles on print and online
• Check out community special events in the area
$100 Rebate for Qualified Water-Efficient Toilets/FAQs
The City of Durham Department of Water Management is offering rebates valued at $100 when qualified water customers replace their high water using toilets with EPA WaterSense rated High Efficiency Toilet (HET) models.
Any toilet purchased MUST be a High Efficiency Toilet (HETs use an average of 1.28 gallons per flush) and MUST be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense list. Any toilet which meets the criteria and is purchased after January 1, 2008, will be eligible for the rebate. Rebates will be applied as credits to customers' water bills.
To apply for the rebate/credit, you'll just need to submit all of the following:
- the original dated sales receipt for your toilet
- a copy of your most recent water bill
- a completed Rebate Application Form
All materials should be mailed to:
Niagara Conservation Corp.
Durham HET Rebate
1170 Tree Swallow #155
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Do NOT mail your bill payment with your rebate materials.
One rebate per owner-occupied single-family household will be allowed.
Q: What is a WaterSense High Efficiency Toilet?
A: WaterSense is the Environmental Protection Agency’s labeling program for water efficiency products. WaterSense labeled toilets use an average of only 1.28 gallons of water per flush and have passed rigorous testing standards.
Q: Is every customer eligible for the program?
A: Only owner-occupied, single-family residential customers are eligible at this time. Each applicant must have a current water account and receive water directly from the City of Durham.
Q: I live in a condo/townhome/apartment. I do not pay a water bill to the City of Durham. Can I participate in the rebate?
A: Unfortunately, master metered townhomes, condominiums, and apartments are not considered single-family accounts. Right now the program is only open to single-family residential accounts. Since the rebate is applied as a credit on our customers’ water bill we would have no way to provide the credit to the customer.
Q: Do I have to buy the toilet at a particular store?
A: No. As long as the toilet is an HET on the EPA’s WaterSense list, a customer can buy it from any retailer, even online, but we do need the original invoice or sales receipt sent in with the application. The Department of Water Management advises customers to keep a copy of the sales invoice or receipt, for their records.
Q: Are all of the toilets on the EPA WaterSense list available at all retailers?
A: That is unlikely. The Department of Water Management has informed local retailers about the program and encouraged them to carry stock of HET models. No retailer will have every toilet, but approved toilets are available locally. Many plumbing supply stores can special order toilets as well.
Q: Is there anything else I need to buy with the toilet?
A: This will depend on the toilet purchased, as some toilets come in complete kits. It may be possible that a new wax ring or additional bolts may be needed when purchasing the toilet. Check with your retailer or plumber to ensure you have all the equipment needed to have a working toilet.
Q: Do I have to hire someone to install the toilet?
A: No. Individual customers may choose to install a toilet. If you purchase a toilet through a plumber, be sure the make and model number of your new toilet is included on your invoice.
Q: I have more than one toilet. Can I receive a credit for more than one toilet?
A: No. The program limit is one (1) toilet per single-family residential household.
Q: How will I receive the rebate?
A: Once all required information is received by the rebate center, the rebate will be applied as a credit to your water and sewer account.
Q: When will I receive my credit?
A: Since the City is moving to a new billing system in January 2009, no rebates will be processed until the change in billing systems is complete. Please do submit the rebate/credit applications when you purchase and install your new toilet.
Q: Will the City be checking to see that my toilet has been installed?
A: As part of the rebate process, customers must agree to allow a post-installation inspection.
Q: How long will the toilet rebate program last?
A: The program is offered on a first-come, first-served basis and will function as long as allocated funds permit.
Q: Where can I get more information on HET models?
A: Here are some helpful links:
EPA WaterSense Labeled Toilets
Maximum Performance Testing results of Popular Toilet Models
Q: Where can I get more information on Durham's Toilet Rebate program?
A: For information, call 1-866-522-3806 or email
Any toilet purchased MUST be a High Efficiency Toilet (HETs use an average of 1.28 gallons per flush) and MUST be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense list. Any toilet which meets the criteria and is purchased after January 1, 2008, will be eligible for the rebate. Rebates will be applied as credits to customers' water bills.
To apply for the rebate/credit, you'll just need to submit all of the following:
- the original dated sales receipt for your toilet
- a copy of your most recent water bill
- a completed Rebate Application Form
All materials should be mailed to:
Niagara Conservation Corp.
Durham HET Rebate
1170 Tree Swallow #155
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Do NOT mail your bill payment with your rebate materials.
One rebate per owner-occupied single-family household will be allowed.
Q: What is a WaterSense High Efficiency Toilet?
A: WaterSense is the Environmental Protection Agency’s labeling program for water efficiency products. WaterSense labeled toilets use an average of only 1.28 gallons of water per flush and have passed rigorous testing standards.
Q: Is every customer eligible for the program?
A: Only owner-occupied, single-family residential customers are eligible at this time. Each applicant must have a current water account and receive water directly from the City of Durham.
Q: I live in a condo/townhome/apartment. I do not pay a water bill to the City of Durham. Can I participate in the rebate?
A: Unfortunately, master metered townhomes, condominiums, and apartments are not considered single-family accounts. Right now the program is only open to single-family residential accounts. Since the rebate is applied as a credit on our customers’ water bill we would have no way to provide the credit to the customer.
Q: Do I have to buy the toilet at a particular store?
A: No. As long as the toilet is an HET on the EPA’s WaterSense list, a customer can buy it from any retailer, even online, but we do need the original invoice or sales receipt sent in with the application. The Department of Water Management advises customers to keep a copy of the sales invoice or receipt, for their records.
Q: Are all of the toilets on the EPA WaterSense list available at all retailers?
A: That is unlikely. The Department of Water Management has informed local retailers about the program and encouraged them to carry stock of HET models. No retailer will have every toilet, but approved toilets are available locally. Many plumbing supply stores can special order toilets as well.
Q: Is there anything else I need to buy with the toilet?
A: This will depend on the toilet purchased, as some toilets come in complete kits. It may be possible that a new wax ring or additional bolts may be needed when purchasing the toilet. Check with your retailer or plumber to ensure you have all the equipment needed to have a working toilet.
Q: Do I have to hire someone to install the toilet?
A: No. Individual customers may choose to install a toilet. If you purchase a toilet through a plumber, be sure the make and model number of your new toilet is included on your invoice.
Q: I have more than one toilet. Can I receive a credit for more than one toilet?
A: No. The program limit is one (1) toilet per single-family residential household.
Q: How will I receive the rebate?
A: Once all required information is received by the rebate center, the rebate will be applied as a credit to your water and sewer account.
Q: When will I receive my credit?
A: Since the City is moving to a new billing system in January 2009, no rebates will be processed until the change in billing systems is complete. Please do submit the rebate/credit applications when you purchase and install your new toilet.
Q: Will the City be checking to see that my toilet has been installed?
A: As part of the rebate process, customers must agree to allow a post-installation inspection.
Q: How long will the toilet rebate program last?
A: The program is offered on a first-come, first-served basis and will function as long as allocated funds permit.
Q: Where can I get more information on HET models?
A: Here are some helpful links:
EPA WaterSense Labeled Toilets
Maximum Performance Testing results of Popular Toilet Models
Q: Where can I get more information on Durham's Toilet Rebate program?
A: For information, call 1-866-522-3806 or email
111 Tips to Save Money on Your Water Bill Everyday
1. There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with you.
2. When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
3. Evaporative coolers require a seasonal maintenance checkup. For more efficient cooling, check your evaporative cooler annually.
4. Check your sprinkler system frequently and adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
5. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full and you could save 1000 gallons a month.
6. Avoid planting turf in areas that are hard to water such as steep inclines and isolated strips along sidewalks and driveways.
7. Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
8. Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost instead and save gallons every time.
9. Plant during the spring or fall when the watering requirements are lower.
10. Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap for cold drinks, so that every drop goes down you not the drain.
11. Check your water meter and bill to track your water usage.
12. Minimize evaporation by watering during the early morning hours, when temperatures are cooler and winds are lighter.
13. Wash your produce in the sink or a pan that is partially filled with water instead of running water from the tap.
14. Use a layer of organic mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and save hundreds of gallons of water a year.
15. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk and save 80 gallons of water every time.
16. If your shower can fill a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, then replace it with a water-efficient showerhead.
17. Collect the water you use for rinsing produce and reuse it to water houseplants.
18. Divide your watering cycle into shorter periods to reduce runoff and allow for better absorption every time you water.
19. We're more likely to notice leaky faucets indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, pipes, and hoses for leaks. Learn how to check your home for leaks.
20. Periodically check your pool for leaks if you have an automatic refilling device.
21. Only water your lawn when needed. You can tell this by simply walking across your lawn. If you leave footprints, it's time to water.
22. When you shop for a new appliance, consider one offering cycle and load size adjustments. They are more water and energy-efficient than older appliances.
23. Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. You'll save up to 1000 gallons a month.
24. Install low-volume toilets.
25. Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. Longer grass shades root systems and holds soil moisture better than a closely clipped lawn.
26. When you clean your fish tank, use the water you've drained on your plants. The water is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, providing you with a free and effective fertilizer.
27. Use the sprinkler for larger areas of grass. Water small patches by hand to avoid waste.
28. Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. It's easy to fix, and you can save more than 600 gallons a month.
29. Plug the bathtub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills up.
30. Use porous materials for walkways and patios to keep water in your yard and prevent wasteful runoff.
31. Direct downspouts and other runoff towards shrubs and trees, or collect and use for your garden.
32. Designate one glass for your drinking water each day. This will cut down on the number of times you run your dishwasher.
33. Water your summer lawns once every three days and your winter lawn once every five days.
34. Install a rain shut-off device on your automatic sprinklers to eliminate unnecessary watering.
35. Don't use running water to thaw food.
36. Choose a water-efficient drip irrigation system for trees, shrubs and flowers. Watering at the roots is very effective, be careful not to over water.
37. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It's simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week.
38. Reduce the amount of grass in your yard by planting shrubs, and ground cover with rock and granite mulching.
39. When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.
40. Teach your children to turn the faucets off tightly after each use.
41. Remember to check your sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good shape.
42. Before you lather up, install a low-flow showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week.
43. Soak your pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.
44. Don't water your lawn on windy days. After all, sidewalks and driveways don't need water.
45. Water your plants deeply but less frequently to create healthier and stronger landscapes.
46. Make sure you know where your master water shut-off valve is located. This could save gallons of water and damage to your home if a pipe were to burst.
47. When watering grass on steep slopes, use a soaker hose to prevent wasteful runoff.
48. Group plants with the same watering needs together to get the most out of your watering time.
49. Remember to weed your lawn and garden regularly. Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients, light, and water.
50. While fertilizers promote plant growth, they also increase water consumption. Apply the minimum amount of fertilizer needed.
51. Avoid installing ornamental water features and fountains that spray water into the air. Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation.
52. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
53. Don't buy recreational water toys that require a constant flow of water.
54. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
55. Buy a rain gauge to track how much rain or irrigation your yard receives. Check with your local water agency to see how much rain is needed to skip an irrigation cycle.
56. Encourage your school system and local government to help develop and promote a water conservation ethic among children and adults.
57. Teach your family how to shut off your automatic watering systems. Turn sprinklers off if the system is malfunctioning or when a storm is approaching.
58. Set a kitchen timer when watering your lawn or garden with a hose.
59. Make sure your toilet flapper doesn't stick open after flushing.
60. Make sure there are aerators on all of your faucets.
61. Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low water use plant for year-round landscape color and save up to 550 gallons each year.
62. Install an instant water heater on your kitchen sink so you don't have to let the water run while it heats up. This will also reduce heating costs for your household.
63. Use a grease pencil to mark the water level of your pool at the skimmer. Check the mark 24 hours later. Your pool should lose no more than 1/4 inch each day.
64. Cut back on rinsing if your dishwasher is new. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.
65. Use a screwdriver as a soil probe to test soil moisture. If it goes in easily, don't water. Proper lawn watering can save thousands of gallons of water annually.
66. Avoid overseeding your lawn with winter grass. Once established, ryegrass needs water every three to five days, whereas dormant Bermuda grass needs water only once a month.
67. Do one thing each day that will save water. Even if savings are small, every drop counts.
68. When the kids want to cool off, use the sprinkler in an area where your lawn needs it the most.
69. Make sure your swimming pools, fountains, and ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.
70. Bathe your young children together.
71. Landscape with Xeriscape trees, plants and groundcovers. Call your local conservation office for more information about these water thrifty plants.
72. Winterize outdoor spigots when temps dip to 20 degrees F to prevent pipes from bursting or freezing.
73. Insulate hot water pipes so you don't have to run as much water to get hot water to the faucet.
74. Wash your car on the grass. This will water your lawn at the same time.
75. Drop that tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save gallons every time.
76. If you have an evaporative cooler, direct the water drain to a flowerbed, tree, or your lawn.
77. Make suggestions to your employer to save water (and dollars) at work.
78. Support projects that use reclaimed wastewater for irrigation and other uses.
79. Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while you wash your car and save more than 100 gallons.
80. Encourage your friends and neighbors to be part of a water-conscious community.
81. If your toilet was installed prior to 1980, place a toilet dam or bottle filled with water in your toilet tank to cut down on the amount of water used for each flush. Be sure these devices do not interfere with operating parts.
82. Install water softening systems only when necessary. Save water and salt by running the minimum number of regenerations necessary to maintain water softness.
83. Wash clothes only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
84. Leave lower branches on trees and shrubs and allow leaf litter to accumulate on top of the soil. This keeps the soil cooler and reduces evaporation.
85. Pick-up the phone and report significant water losses from broken pipes, open hydrants and errant sprinklers to the property owner or your water management district.
86. Bermuda grasses are dormant (brown) in the winter and will only require water once every three to four weeks or less if it rains.
87. Start a compost pile. Using compost when you plant adds water-holding organic matter to the soil.
88. Use sprinklers that throw big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller drops of water and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground.
89. Listen for dripping faucets and toilets that flush themselves. Fixing a leak can save 500 gallons each month.
90. More plants die from over-watering than from under-watering. Be sure only to water plants when necessary.
91. Cook food in as little water as possible. This will also retain more of the nutrients.
92. Adjust your watering schedule to the season. Water your summer lawn every third day and your winter lawn every fifth day.
93. Turn the water off while you shampoo and condition your hair and you can save more than 50 gallons a week.
94. Bathe your pets outdoors in an area in need of water.
95. Choose new water-saving appliances, like washing machines that save up to 20 gallons per load.
96. Water only as rapidly as the soil can absorb the water.
97. Aerate your lawn. Punch holes in your lawn about six inches apart so water will reach the roots rather than run off the surface.
98. Select the proper size pans for cooking. Large pans require more cooking water than may be necessary.
99. Place an empty tuna can on your lawn to catch and measure the water output of your sprinklers. For lawn watering advice, contact your local conservation office.
100. Turn off the water while you shave and you can save more than 100 gallons a week.
101. When you give your pet fresh water, don't throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or shrubs.
102. If you accidentally drop ice cubes when filling your glass from the freezer, don't throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant instead.
103. To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower.
104. While staying in a hotel or even at home, consider reusing your towels.
105. When backwashing your pool, consider using the water on your landscaping.
106. For hanging baskets, planters and pots, place ice cubes under the moss or dirt to give your plants a cool drink of water and help eliminate water overflow.
107. Throw trimmings and peelings from fruits and vegetables into your yard compost to prevent from using the garbage disposal.
108. When you have ice left in your cup from a take-out restaurant, don't throw it in the trash, dump it on a plant.
109. Have your plumber re-route your gray water to trees and gardens rather than letting it run into the sewer line. Check with your city codes, and if it isn't allowed in your area, start a movement to get that changed.
110. Keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up or runs. Use this water to flush toilets or water plants.
111. When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather.
Now you are on your way to saving money for your everyday needs-- while helping protect our environment, our economy and our future. Pass the word around and make a difference. It's time to get serious about saving water.
2. When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
3. Evaporative coolers require a seasonal maintenance checkup. For more efficient cooling, check your evaporative cooler annually.
4. Check your sprinkler system frequently and adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
5. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full and you could save 1000 gallons a month.
6. Avoid planting turf in areas that are hard to water such as steep inclines and isolated strips along sidewalks and driveways.
7. Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
8. Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost instead and save gallons every time.
9. Plant during the spring or fall when the watering requirements are lower.
10. Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap for cold drinks, so that every drop goes down you not the drain.
11. Check your water meter and bill to track your water usage.
12. Minimize evaporation by watering during the early morning hours, when temperatures are cooler and winds are lighter.
13. Wash your produce in the sink or a pan that is partially filled with water instead of running water from the tap.
14. Use a layer of organic mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and save hundreds of gallons of water a year.
15. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk and save 80 gallons of water every time.
16. If your shower can fill a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, then replace it with a water-efficient showerhead.
17. Collect the water you use for rinsing produce and reuse it to water houseplants.
18. Divide your watering cycle into shorter periods to reduce runoff and allow for better absorption every time you water.
19. We're more likely to notice leaky faucets indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, pipes, and hoses for leaks. Learn how to check your home for leaks.
20. Periodically check your pool for leaks if you have an automatic refilling device.
21. Only water your lawn when needed. You can tell this by simply walking across your lawn. If you leave footprints, it's time to water.
22. When you shop for a new appliance, consider one offering cycle and load size adjustments. They are more water and energy-efficient than older appliances.
23. Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. You'll save up to 1000 gallons a month.
24. Install low-volume toilets.
25. Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. Longer grass shades root systems and holds soil moisture better than a closely clipped lawn.
26. When you clean your fish tank, use the water you've drained on your plants. The water is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, providing you with a free and effective fertilizer.
27. Use the sprinkler for larger areas of grass. Water small patches by hand to avoid waste.
28. Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. It's easy to fix, and you can save more than 600 gallons a month.
29. Plug the bathtub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills up.
30. Use porous materials for walkways and patios to keep water in your yard and prevent wasteful runoff.
31. Direct downspouts and other runoff towards shrubs and trees, or collect and use for your garden.
32. Designate one glass for your drinking water each day. This will cut down on the number of times you run your dishwasher.
33. Water your summer lawns once every three days and your winter lawn once every five days.
34. Install a rain shut-off device on your automatic sprinklers to eliminate unnecessary watering.
35. Don't use running water to thaw food.
36. Choose a water-efficient drip irrigation system for trees, shrubs and flowers. Watering at the roots is very effective, be careful not to over water.
37. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It's simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week.
38. Reduce the amount of grass in your yard by planting shrubs, and ground cover with rock and granite mulching.
39. When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.
40. Teach your children to turn the faucets off tightly after each use.
41. Remember to check your sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good shape.
42. Before you lather up, install a low-flow showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week.
43. Soak your pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.
44. Don't water your lawn on windy days. After all, sidewalks and driveways don't need water.
45. Water your plants deeply but less frequently to create healthier and stronger landscapes.
46. Make sure you know where your master water shut-off valve is located. This could save gallons of water and damage to your home if a pipe were to burst.
47. When watering grass on steep slopes, use a soaker hose to prevent wasteful runoff.
48. Group plants with the same watering needs together to get the most out of your watering time.
49. Remember to weed your lawn and garden regularly. Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients, light, and water.
50. While fertilizers promote plant growth, they also increase water consumption. Apply the minimum amount of fertilizer needed.
51. Avoid installing ornamental water features and fountains that spray water into the air. Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation.
52. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
53. Don't buy recreational water toys that require a constant flow of water.
54. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four.
55. Buy a rain gauge to track how much rain or irrigation your yard receives. Check with your local water agency to see how much rain is needed to skip an irrigation cycle.
56. Encourage your school system and local government to help develop and promote a water conservation ethic among children and adults.
57. Teach your family how to shut off your automatic watering systems. Turn sprinklers off if the system is malfunctioning or when a storm is approaching.
58. Set a kitchen timer when watering your lawn or garden with a hose.
59. Make sure your toilet flapper doesn't stick open after flushing.
60. Make sure there are aerators on all of your faucets.
61. Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low water use plant for year-round landscape color and save up to 550 gallons each year.
62. Install an instant water heater on your kitchen sink so you don't have to let the water run while it heats up. This will also reduce heating costs for your household.
63. Use a grease pencil to mark the water level of your pool at the skimmer. Check the mark 24 hours later. Your pool should lose no more than 1/4 inch each day.
64. Cut back on rinsing if your dishwasher is new. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.
65. Use a screwdriver as a soil probe to test soil moisture. If it goes in easily, don't water. Proper lawn watering can save thousands of gallons of water annually.
66. Avoid overseeding your lawn with winter grass. Once established, ryegrass needs water every three to five days, whereas dormant Bermuda grass needs water only once a month.
67. Do one thing each day that will save water. Even if savings are small, every drop counts.
68. When the kids want to cool off, use the sprinkler in an area where your lawn needs it the most.
69. Make sure your swimming pools, fountains, and ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.
70. Bathe your young children together.
71. Landscape with Xeriscape trees, plants and groundcovers. Call your local conservation office for more information about these water thrifty plants.
72. Winterize outdoor spigots when temps dip to 20 degrees F to prevent pipes from bursting or freezing.
73. Insulate hot water pipes so you don't have to run as much water to get hot water to the faucet.
74. Wash your car on the grass. This will water your lawn at the same time.
75. Drop that tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save gallons every time.
76. If you have an evaporative cooler, direct the water drain to a flowerbed, tree, or your lawn.
77. Make suggestions to your employer to save water (and dollars) at work.
78. Support projects that use reclaimed wastewater for irrigation and other uses.
79. Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while you wash your car and save more than 100 gallons.
80. Encourage your friends and neighbors to be part of a water-conscious community.
81. If your toilet was installed prior to 1980, place a toilet dam or bottle filled with water in your toilet tank to cut down on the amount of water used for each flush. Be sure these devices do not interfere with operating parts.
82. Install water softening systems only when necessary. Save water and salt by running the minimum number of regenerations necessary to maintain water softness.
83. Wash clothes only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month.
84. Leave lower branches on trees and shrubs and allow leaf litter to accumulate on top of the soil. This keeps the soil cooler and reduces evaporation.
85. Pick-up the phone and report significant water losses from broken pipes, open hydrants and errant sprinklers to the property owner or your water management district.
86. Bermuda grasses are dormant (brown) in the winter and will only require water once every three to four weeks or less if it rains.
87. Start a compost pile. Using compost when you plant adds water-holding organic matter to the soil.
88. Use sprinklers that throw big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller drops of water and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground.
89. Listen for dripping faucets and toilets that flush themselves. Fixing a leak can save 500 gallons each month.
90. More plants die from over-watering than from under-watering. Be sure only to water plants when necessary.
91. Cook food in as little water as possible. This will also retain more of the nutrients.
92. Adjust your watering schedule to the season. Water your summer lawn every third day and your winter lawn every fifth day.
93. Turn the water off while you shampoo and condition your hair and you can save more than 50 gallons a week.
94. Bathe your pets outdoors in an area in need of water.
95. Choose new water-saving appliances, like washing machines that save up to 20 gallons per load.
96. Water only as rapidly as the soil can absorb the water.
97. Aerate your lawn. Punch holes in your lawn about six inches apart so water will reach the roots rather than run off the surface.
98. Select the proper size pans for cooking. Large pans require more cooking water than may be necessary.
99. Place an empty tuna can on your lawn to catch and measure the water output of your sprinklers. For lawn watering advice, contact your local conservation office.
100. Turn off the water while you shave and you can save more than 100 gallons a week.
101. When you give your pet fresh water, don't throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or shrubs.
102. If you accidentally drop ice cubes when filling your glass from the freezer, don't throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant instead.
103. To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower.
104. While staying in a hotel or even at home, consider reusing your towels.
105. When backwashing your pool, consider using the water on your landscaping.
106. For hanging baskets, planters and pots, place ice cubes under the moss or dirt to give your plants a cool drink of water and help eliminate water overflow.
107. Throw trimmings and peelings from fruits and vegetables into your yard compost to prevent from using the garbage disposal.
108. When you have ice left in your cup from a take-out restaurant, don't throw it in the trash, dump it on a plant.
109. Have your plumber re-route your gray water to trees and gardens rather than letting it run into the sewer line. Check with your city codes, and if it isn't allowed in your area, start a movement to get that changed.
110. Keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up or runs. Use this water to flush toilets or water plants.
111. When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather.
Now you are on your way to saving money for your everyday needs-- while helping protect our environment, our economy and our future. Pass the word around and make a difference. It's time to get serious about saving water.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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- Simple Steps for a Water-Conscious Winter Season
- 10 Smart, Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Water Bill
- On-Air Interview with Vicki Westbrook, Program Spo...
- $100 Rebate for Qualified Water-Efficient Toilets/...
- 111 Tips to Save Money on Your Water Bill Everyday
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About Me
- DurhamSavesWater
- is a website sponsored by the City of Durham which encourages both residential and non-residential customers to use water efficiently. The program invites residents to learn how to conserve and preserve Durham’s water supplies. Since Durham has implemented a tiered water rate structure for residential customers, the less water you use, the lower your rate, the more money you can save for everyday needs, and the better we protect Durham. For additional information, visit Please check back for updates on the City’s toilet rebate program and for weekly updates on tips to conserve water during the holiday season!